Soul Bonsai: Writing as a Spiritual Practice

We are all natural storytellers, and our stories, our expressions of self, are always just below the surface. As we grow older, we often allow these stories to submerge, letting go of a vital means of putting what is inside of us out into the world in a creative way. This is something that we must do as humans…without this creative expression, we wither. The stagnation can manifest as illness in the body, and we can lose our energy and verve for life. Storytelling is just one way of countering this stagnation, but it’s a good one! What if you answered the call to fish up the stories inside of you? To write them down without fear of judgement or censure? They could become poems, stories, lists…anything you wanted! Using the Amherst Writers & Artists Method of leading creative writing workshops, Kim’s speciality is putting you at ease, drawing out what is sleeping in your heart, and cultivating a safe space to explore your creative voice. No experience needed!

Kim will be leading Soul Bonsai Workshops in the A Y U Community Space on the third Wednesday of each month starting in April 2024…click the button below to book!